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The Blue-Headed Pionus is the most popular of the Pionus species. It has a calm personality and is relatively quiet, making a wonderful family pet! Pionus will often bond with several members of a family if socialized correctly at an early age. They are affectionate, but not known for their talking ability.

Physical Description:
The Blue Headed Pionus is a medium large parrot. It is about 27 cm long. Their coloring is mainly green with a blue head and neck, and red under their tail feathers. The upper mandible is black with reddish areas on both sides.
Average Lifespan: 20 – 30 years

Sexing: Sexing these birds requires a DNA test, as they are not sexually dimorphic and you cannot tell the sex just by looking at them. Juveniles often have a lot of green on the head which changes to blue with the first feather molt.

Origin: Both in Central and South America starting in Costa Rica and ending in central Brazil.

Trainability: Seem to be good at training. They are surprisingly obedient birds that will learn simple tricks. They are quite independent birds, they are happy to amuse themselves with toys and food without constant attention from the owner. Well-socialized pionus parrots really enjoy interacting with people.

Loudness: Compared to any of the larger parrots a pionus will always rate as quiet. Pionus also tend to be much quieter than most conures. However, even though pionus are rated as quiet birds, they can learn to screech, and can be louder than some cockatiels.
Health Guarantee of Our Birds
We have the strongest bird guarantee in the country, and more importantly, we stand behind our guarantee. The guarantee is simple: We guarantee that we are selling you a perfectly healthy bird. To verify that guarantee, within five days you need to go to an Avian Vet and get any and all testing you prefer to do on your bird, at your expense. We can guide you as to the tests we suggest. If the results are not perfect but the bird can be easily treated, then we pay for all medications and all treatment. If the results are unacceptable then we either replace your bird or refund 100% of the purchase price of your bird, at our option.

Bird Guarantee only lasts for the first five days
Since we have 100% control over the bird's environment at our store, but have no control over the bird once it leaves, we can only guarantee the bird for the first five days. We guarantee that when the bird leaves the store that it has been properly socialized, and that it is 100% healthy. Your new bird has been given an excellent start here at Golden Cockatoo, and it is now your responsibility to properly care for your bird. We are always here to help you take the best care of your bird with the biggest variety and best quality bird products available in the world.

Lifetime Guarantee on our Birds
We guarantee that if during your lifetime, you are no longer able to properly care for your bird, or give your bird the attention it need's, we will accept the bird back on consignment and will find another great home for your bird. We do take a 40% commission and charge a nominal daily fee to feed and clean, but you can rest assured that you always have a place for your bird should the need arise. We are the only store in Florida to offer this guarantee as of the year 2000.